Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My four years at CSUF were pretty life changing. I've changed so much since I was a young freshman back in the fall of 2005. I thought it would be cool to do a breakdown of each of the four years that I spent as a Titan.

Freshman year (2005-2006)- This was my first time living away from home. It was an adjustment period. I ended up going home every weekend. It was good to take a break from eating tv dinners and get a home cooked meal as well as do laundry. I went to Campus Crusade for Christ after going to their high school ministry, Student Venture, during my senior year. It was great meeting people my age who were passionate about God. I went to Fall Retreat and Christmas Conference and grew closer to God and the people who I was with. The begginings of some very solid friendships were established during freshman year.

Sophomore year (2006-2007)- This was my favorite year of college. I joined the leadership team with Crusade and grew very close with the students on the team as well as other people within the movement. I had a lot of fun hanging out with people outside of school. It was a year when a lot of relationships were formed, many of which have ended up in marriage recently.

Junior year (2007-2008)- This was my least favorite year of college. I went through a breakup the summer before and it took a long time for the pain to go away. I left the Crusade leadership team and battled through some tough times. There were definitely some bright spots though. I moved to the Hope International University dorms where my friend Mark was living. We grew a lot closer during this time and now he is one of my best friends. I also changed my major for the fourth time to Speech Communication.

Senior Year (2008-2009)- Senior year was an interesting time. I was in three weddings which was a cool experience. I had never had a really close friend get married before. This past year I was able to spend some quality time with a couple mentors/disiplers. It was beneficial for me to be able to be able to discuss life and the future with these guys. Over the course of the year I spent hours and hours wondering what I was going to do with my life. I had multiple ideas of what I wanted to do from being a baseball card photographer to being a staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ. I still don't know what I want to do but that's alright.

My time in college was a extremely valuable. I grew so much as a person. I met people who I hope will be life-long friends.

1 comment:

Dj said...

Hmmm....would you call that the core of your college experience?