Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Journey

I feel like I'm lost on a journey with no destination. I don't know where I'm going with my life. I'm in one of those Ecclesiastes modes. There is no real finish line in my life right now. I'm just living life hoping that I will stumble accross what I'm meant to do. I know that I shouldn't be concerned about the future but it's hard not to be when the real world is not too far away. For most of my life I had a journey: I was going to be a pro baseball player. When that dream experienced a slow and painful death I was left directionless. There were a few mirages of finish lines but they probably wouldn't have satisfied my desires. Whatever they are.

1 comment:

AJ Harbison said...

I don't mean to be cliché, but I have several friends (the Mike Morabito factor among them) who seem to have discovered that "the journey is the destination." Even though we much prefer it the other way, often we don't have everything figured out and we don't know what's up ahead.

"God, will You bless this decision / I'm scared, it's my life at stake / But I know if You gave me a vision / Then I'd never have reason to use my faith...." (Smalltown Poets, Hold It Up To The Light)

Even when the options aren't clear, He'll guide you. When we were talking to Takashi yesterday, we described faith as trust. Trust Him; He won't fail you.
