Saturday, January 6, 2007

Core Ideology

I chose the name "" because this blog reflects who I am. The core of a person's inner being can be defined as is how we are doing deep down. If you ask a person how the core of their inner being is doing, you are asking them how they are really doing. None of the usual surface "I am doing good. How are you?" garbage. There are only a select few people that I feel that I can share how my core is doing. You don't want to be a "core whore". I would also suggest not talking about the state of your core with a member of the opposite gender. You could give them a glipse of your "inner being" but not your "core".
I will give you a glimpse of my "core" but I will not be discussing the depths of my core. Somethings are better left unsaid. I have been thinking lately that whenever I discuss the core of my inner being with the select few it is usually pain/sadness filled. I'm not depressed or anything so this makes me think. I wish my core was filled with joy but unfortunately joy is only temporal while we are on this earth. There will be a day when my core is filled with an everlasting joy that can't compare with anything I will experience in this lifetime.

1 comment:

Amy Grace said...

My friend Adam made the mosaic pic. I think he used some sort of program.. I'm not really sure.
It's way cool that "That Thing You Do" is one of your favorite movies!!