Sunday, January 14, 2007

"What do you want out of life?"

Well it's almost 3 in the morning right now and I can't fall asleep. I just got done watching reruns of two of my favorite shows ever: Full House and Boy Meets World. There is nothing good on right now so I decided to do another entry.

The outreach team here at CSUF often does surveys on campus to gauge where people are at spiritually which hopefully transitions to sharing the Gospel. One of the questions that we sometimes use is "What do you want out of life?". Almost 100 percent of the people we ask say, "To be happy". Recently I have been asking myself that same question. Here is what I came up with. I want every year to be better than the last. I never want to be living in the past wishing I was there insted of the present. I think that would be a horrible way to live life. I also want to be madly in love with my wife until the day I die. I truly hope that I can find such a person. I also would want to have as tight-nit of a family as possible. My family (meaning everyone besides me and my parents) isn't very close at all. I see my grandparents about 2-3 times a year and it's about the same or even less with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Another thing that I would want out of life is to be doing something fulfilling. I really don't want to have a regular 9-5 job sitting in a cubicle all day. Not that there is anything wrong with that at all. Nor am I saying that desk jobs can't be fulfulling. I want to have a job that I would be willing to do for free otherwise. A job that wouldn't seem like a job and that I would enjoy going to every morning. I also would like to have a close group of life long friends. So if you boil down my answer it would be: to love, be loved, and to experience fulfillment. Being happy is only temporal in my opinion.

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