Sunday, January 28, 2007

"For the Life That's Been Reborn, His Love Endures Forever"/ Refocused

This morning I went to my friends Crista and Jenna's church, Southlands Christian Church, in Bell. Crista invited me earlier in the week and told me that there was going to be a choir of former drug addicts and alcoholics. I thought it would ineteresting so I decided to go. I'm glad that I did! It was cool to see these people who have overcome these powerful addictions by the grace of God. While some of the people were giving their testimonies I was thinking how incridibly blessed I was growing up. My parents weren't drug addicts, alcoholics, negligent, or anything else like that. They loved me so much and I always knew that they would be there for me. It's not like a grew up in a Christian household but I was raised with good morals. People in my extended family have battled (and still battle) addictions to alcohol and drugs. A lot of people who tend to abuse substances come from messed up families. Our childhoods are so incredibly important in our development as people. I find it very interesting that there are many pastors come from backrounds of hardcore partying, alcohol, and drugs. People who aren't followers of Christ probably think of pastors as being these really moral/religious people who have a "holier than thou" attitude, when in actuality they were probably more messed up then that person ever was. I always enjoy seeing how God can rescue people from the most destitute situations and and radically transforms them into one of His sons or daughters.
The service also got me refocused. If you didn't know, lately I have been feeling directionless in terms of my life and where I'm going in the present and future. Hearing all of these amazing testimonies helped me to see that I need to be devoting my time to serving God above anything and everything else in my life will work out in time.


Jessica said...

Ryan! I'm so glad to hear that you had a good time at church today! That choir sounds really neat. And I totally know what you mean about many pastors coming from destructive lifestyles. My college youth pastor is an example of that. I'm also glad to hear about you being refocused. I'll continue to keep praying for you though.

This was definitely not a waste of two minutes.

Amy Grace said...

I can't say that I've seen the Hills... maybe someday